Tooth Extraction

At Lake Country Dental, we work hard to help you achieve and maintain good oral health. If you suffer from a dental condition or problem, we strive to provide the most conservative treatment possible to restore the health of your smile. When your smile is affected by certain conditions, however, the best option for restoring your health may be a tooth extraction. Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth in order to improve the health and function of your smile. Our gentle dentists may recommend a tooth extraction if:

  • The tooth is so badly damaged or decayed that it cannot be effectively restored with a dental crown, filling, or other kind of dental restoration
  • There are too many teeth to fit properly in the mouth, resulting in crowding of the teeth
  • Infection has destroyed a large portion of the tooth and its supporting bone structure

Our skilled dental team will ensure that your tooth extraction procedure is comfortable and pleasant. We are happy to consult you on our restorative and cosmetic dentistry options both before and after the tooth extraction.
